

“You’re not a nursing student. You wouldn’t understand.”

There are a few things in life that only my fellow nursing students will understand and relate to. Here are a couple of my fav. 😉

  1. You consume your weight in coffee and energy drinks. It’s the morning of clinical, and you stroll into class with your bag in one hand and RedBull in the other. You sit down, and there’s Ryan with a Monster, Mary with her Starbucks coffee, and Jenna about to down a 5 hour energy shot. It’s become a way of life, and everyone is adapting quite nicely.
  2. You get excited about things that non-nursing students would find very strange. Your patient has a Mitral valve AND Tricuspid valve regurgitation that you can easily auscultate?! Of course you run and tell your clinical group to come and listen to it as well! However, when you accidentally say “Thats so cool.” in front of your patient, you may find yourself explaining that you don’t actually think its cool that she is having serious heart problems.. Oops.
  3. You think twice before doing every-day, mundane things because, well, clinical. It’s a Saturday, and you’re about to put on some perfume when your brain says “WAIT! YOU CANT WEAR PERFUME!” You then have to remind yourself that its okay since you aren’t at clinical. Or, you go to put a piece of gum in your mouth or a necklace on, and the same thing happens. Since when did the most simple things stop you in your track?! Since now.
  4. Your nursing friends are unlike any other friends that you will have. I think I can sum this one up with one simple question. Have any of your other friends every held the cheek up while you wiped the crack? I didn’t think so. Next.
  5. That leads me to my next point. Literally nothing can gross you out anymore. Nudity? Doesn’t phase you. Bodily fluids? Nothing new. All sorts of smells? Probably smelled it before. There is nothing that takes you by surprise at this point, and you can handle just about anything. You have developed a cast-iron stomach that your non-nursing friends definitely do not have, and you are proud of it.
  6. Finding supplies in the supplies closet is like a treasure hunt at first. You head for the supplies room, acting like you know exactly where everything is, ready to gather all of your supplies. However, once you’re in there with no one observing you, you are free to look around like a lost/fascinated puppy. SO MANY LITTLE BOXES. So many packages. “Ooooh, thats cool. My patient probably needs that, I mean, probably not, but like why not!” Bringing back all of the goodies to your patient never gets old.
  7. You have seen it all within a short amount of time, but you can’t really tell anyone about it. Within just a few short weeks, you have seen some pretty awesome / crazy things. You would tell your friends and family about it, but HIPPA. 😉
  8. Group Me is life. Everything from “Whats the door code, again?” to “What ATI modules are due tomorrow?” is covered in the Group Me. This is one app you just have to have. (Quizlet with the honorable mention.)
  9. Wearing your scrubs out in public draws attention. People will literally look at you in amazement and with curiosity. You feel like a surgeon walking down the isle of Walmart because everyone you pass is staring and wondering what it is that you do. Yeah, you’re just a student, but they don’t have to know that.
  10. You use a lot of acronyms or medical jargon now when referring to healthcare things. Not everyone is going to understand when you use these terms, but your nursing friends will probably agree with you when you say you need “ETOH PO TID PRN Stress.”
  11. You know that work will never really be “work” because you will be doing what you love to do. Through the stress and the mess, you have already seen the rewarding side of nursing. That is what makes it all worth it.

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“Just calm down”

Sometimes it’s just not that easy.

Sometimes it is physically impossible to calm down.

Not everyone experiences anxiety, and those who do may not ever experience a true panic attack or even be diagnosed with a real “anxiety disorder”. I’m not talking about the stressed out feeling you have when you are worried about several things… I’m talking about the physical reaction that happens because of the mental stress.

I, unfortunately, consider myself an expert on this particular subject.

After you mentally stress yourself out like many people do every day, it does not stop there. Unknowingly, you work yourself into an actual anxiety attack with physical symptoms.

It is different for everyone, but mine have been known to start out with the feeling of being overwhelmed followed by trouble breathing at a normal rate. After it becomes hard to breathe, cue the chest pain. I’m talking serious, unwavering pain in the chest. It hurts even worse when I try to catch my breath or breathe deeply. So, I settle for the faster shallow breathing which- you guessed it- can also be called hyperventilation. I can’t just make myself take deep, slow breaths like everyone suggests do. Why? Because my chest is so tight that it hurts, and it feels almost impossible to do so. Once hyperventilation sets in, it causes my hands and feet to tingle. I know exactly whats happening at this point- my body is going into “fight or flight” mode. It is literally preparing me as if a hungry tiger were running after me, in which case the fight or flight mechanism would be a good thing. However, when I am just sitting in bed at home, not so much. I then notice my fingers will lock up. This part is pretty scary the first time it happens, not to mention very aggravating. All of my muscles tense up, to the point of it being hard to move, as my body braces itself for a physical assault… ONE THAT ISN’T GOING TO HAPPEN! Lovely, right?

I eventually manage to talk myself out of it or calm myself down. Which, by the way, is extremely hard to do while experiencing so many scary, painful, and uncomfortable physical symptoms. I am normally left feeling sore from my muscles being tensed up for so long, my arms and legs are cold and purple because the blood that was rushed away from my extremities, I am normally still light headed and unable to walk around a whole lot, my head hurts badly, I am tired from the mental and physical stress that my body all of a sudden underwent, I am aggravated that it took so much time out of my day and made me stop my daily activities (sometimes for over an hour), and I am just waiting until the next time it happens.

Now you have a little glimpse as to what someone having an anxiety attack is going through. What we want more than anything is to be able to calm down, but our body’s “fight or flight” mechanism does not just shut off once it is triggered. We can’t turn it off, and we just have to wait.

Instead of saying things like:

Just calm down. Just breathe. Try to rest. Take it easy. You’re overreacting.

Try saying things like:

I know you can’t calm down and breathe, but I’m here for you. You’re going to be alright. This will pass before you know it.

OH, and one of my pet peeves is when someone asks me what I am having anxiety about because, while they mean well, sometimes it JUST HAPPENS. Crazy I know, but there does not always have to be a direct cause or source. Anxiety can just arrive with no warning and with no real reason. Also, if there IS a reason (such as stress from school or work) that still is not the REASON my body is reacting this way & going into fight or flight mode. It simply boils down to the fact that some of us have an anxiety disorder, and that’s just what happens from time to  time.

“Cast all your anxiety on Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


Ten Times My Parents Were Right

Fine, I’ll admit it. 

When you’re a little kid, listening to your parents and trusting them comes naturally. Like that time you were five years old and couldn’t swim, but you jumped into the deep end because Dad said he would catch you. There was no questioning him.

As we get older, typically the junior high and high school age, trusting our parents gets a little trickier. We start to feel that we should take control of our own lives and that we don’t need anyone’s help- especially not our parents’.

Well, if you are a junior high or high school student reading this, I hate to break it to you, but you’re going to regret that. When you get into college, chances are you will have quite a few stories about when Mom and Dad WERE right.
1—Mom and dad were right when they said your iPhone needs a case.

We all know how pretty iPhones are when naked.
We also all know how ugly and annoying they are when shattered.
I may have learned the hard way, but I now have a case, Dad.

2—Mom and dad were right when they said “We’re cool.”

“Excuse me, WHAT?! … Y’all listen to 80’s music and just hang out at the house with your OLD friends. Y’all are definitely not cool.”
Yes, they do listen to 80’s music and hang out at the house with their friends.. only now, if they don’t invite me, I get a little salty.

3—Mom and dad were right when they said girls make really crappy friends.

Oh boy were they right about this one…
That’s why now, I cherish the good ones I DO have even more. Also, BIG shoutout to my guy friends.

4—Mom and dad were right when they said you should always go to the restroom before getting in the car and embarking on a long road trip.

Yes, i am in college. Yes, I still forget to do this. No, it is not fun having to exit and find a gas station after that one bottle of water.

5—Mom and dad were right when they said you should bring a jacket.

Okay, so in defense of my younger self, the jacket really did throw off my outfit. However, 20 minutes into that movie I was FREEZING and begging my friend for hers, only to be shot down. Now, I never leave the house without one.

6—Mom and dad were right when they said you shouldn’t get that pet because you couldn’t handle it at the time.

My rabbit (Gretchen Wieners) used the bathroom all over the floor, chewed up an entire rug, and ended up running away.
I probably should have also waited until I wasn’t illegally sneaking her into my college dorm freshman year. Oh well.

7—Mom and dad were right when they told you your sibling would one day be one of your best friends.

Yes, there were times we “hated each other” and our parents would remind us that one day we would be the best of friends. We laughed in their face and said no way. Now we know all of the fights were pointless, and all of the times we stayed upset with each other were stupid. Now we are best friends.

8 –Mom and dad were right about that one guy.

Your parents know you better than anyone, and if they really don’t think a guy is good for you… RUN. This is a lesson some of us just have to learn the hard way. Don’t worry though.. Mom will still be there with a box of tissues and ice-cream when you catch him texting that Allison girl he met in Tiger Land. 😉

9—Mom and dad were right when they said its best to just let things go sometimes.

In high school, it seems like the world is going to end when someone does something mean to you, and holding a grudge seems like a suitable way to handle that. By the time you’re in college, you come to the realization that it makes life so much better when you just let things go. You then remember, somewhere in the back of your mind, that your mom tried to tell you that several years ago… whoops.

10—Mom and dad were right when they said honesty is the best policy.

Incase you’re reading this…It was me who wrecked the car in 2011, Dad. Okay bye!

Love you!

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If Lafayette Bars Were Lafayette Boys

A tale of every Lafayette boy you have met, as told by Lafayette bars.

JSP- The classy frat boy who has lots of friends and is always a good time. He is always dressed nice and smelling better than any of the other guys. His house is always clean too, even the bathroom. He mingles well with all of your friends, and he buys you your favorite drinks. He’s the guy all of your friends think you should spend your time with, and so you do.

City Bar- The fun, goofy guy who likes to go to the bars on Tuesday nights as well as the weekends. He is always down for whatever you want to do.

Marley’s- The guy who is usually found relaxing on a back patio laughing with his boys. He is always ready to see you and have a good conversation with you over some pool and vodka.

Studio- The party animal who you’ve just recently met. He reminds you of your friend Keg because he likes to get somewhat ratchet, but he is older and more interesting.

The Keg- The guy who is either stuck in high school or from out of town. He keeps inviting you to all of his parties, but you have moved on from his more “ratchet” way of partying. However, sometimes you still get the random urge to call him up.

Corner Bar- The older guy that enjoys a nice brewski after work. He dresses pretty nice, and although you enjoy being around him every once in a while, you have more fun with the guys your age.

Nitetown- The reliable, friend-zoned guy that you still stop by and see every once in a while because you two have been friends for quite some time. He is sweet, and though you may not hang out with him for long, its still nice to swing by.

Cowboys- The fun, laid back country guy who is always a good time. He’s different from all of the other guys, and that can be refreshing at times. He loves to spin you around on the dance floor and make you forget all of your worries. You can only hang out with him for limited amounts of time though because he can be a handful.

The Office- The guy who is a senior in high school that you don’t really see too often. He’s pretty popular and most likely plays football.

Prime- Who?


Stay posted for my next blog 😉

Hannah Kenimer

Dear Mom,

This is dedicated to my hero, my best friend- my mother.

There is no one like you, for you are better than the others.

I could never list all the reasons why you are the best.

But I feel like sharing with you why you outshine the rest.

You are everything that I would one day like to be.

I aspire to be like you- a better version of me.

You do so much for us, with such small recognition.

A great mom, well you are the actual definition.


So many dresses you’ve bought, so many projects you’ve done.

You still help me with school, even though I am twenty-one.

So many sleepless nights and so many tears I have caused.

So many wonderful moments that I wish could be paused.

You always take my side- against bad friends and mean boys.

You never second guess me or let me lose my joy.

You pick me up when I am sad and always know just what to say.

Your never-failing, expert advice amazes me in every way.

You’re my shoulder to cry on, you’re the first one I call.

You’re my biggest fan, you pick me up when I fall.

You believe in me and believe in my dreams.

You’re the number one supporter of the Hannah team.



We are so much alike, that’s what they all say.

That’s my favorite compliment, any day.

You have the beauty, the brains, but most of all the heart.

You’re the kindest person I know, and that sets you apart.

When you hurt, I promise that I am hurting more.

When someone upsets you, I am ready for war.

You gave me my little sister and my little brother, too.

That is something no one else could do.


Everything I am today, I owe all to you.

I want to say I am proud of the that mom you are, and thank you for all that you do.


I love you,



GOODBYE 2015, HELLO 2016

I really don’t think I have ever been so happy to say goodbye to a year before. It’s not that 2015 was awful.. because it really wasn’t, but it was indeed a year of LESSONS. A LOT of lessons.

I learned so many things in these past 365 days, and I am glad to have grown as a person through them. As I sit here on the couch in our beautiful resort in Orlando, Florida, I can’t help but to remember how rocky my last New Years Eve and day was. 2015 was challenging from the very beginning. January 1, 2015 was when life decided to start throwing me HUGE curveballs. And yet here I am, in Orlando, and everything is so perfect.. WHAT A HUGE CHANGE.

Now I am only a few hours from January 1, 2016, and I am in such a good place in my life. I will be able to enjoy 2016 because of the struggles I have been through. Of course every year will bring struggles, but I feel like I have overcome the most difficult ones.

I learned many things in 2015.

  1. I learned to LET PEOPLE GO when it’s needed. I let a serious relationship go, I let friendships go, and I let possible relationships go before they even really got started. Every one of those times were difficult. I am happier now because of those moments, but that is not to say it wasn’t very upsetting at one point. I am stronger now because of it, I cherish my current friends more now because of it, and I learned a lesson that could only have been learned from those experiences. “Letting go means to come to the realization that some people are meant to be a part of your history, but not your destiny.” 
  2. I learned that it is not the people you have known the longest, but the people who touch your heart like no one else. I made new and unexpected friends in 2015 who I KNOW are life-long friends. I am SO incredibly thankful for them, and I know that my struggles brought me to them. Everything happens for a reason, and my best friends are just another sweet reminder that even when everything seems to be falling apart, beautiful things are simultaneously happening. I was so unhappy during 2015, yet I met some of my favorite people in that year.
  3. I learned that there really is such thing as “Home away from home.” While Alexandria will always technically be home, Lafayette has because more of a home to me than anywhere I have ever lived. I have fallen in love with Laffy and all of the people there in 2015. It took me until my junior year of college to really consider another city to be home, but I am glad it finally happened. It is a feeling unlike any other.
  4. I learned to never say no to a random road trip, for they are truly good for the soul. SO many memories and SO many adventurous experiences have come from random, last-minute road trips. You bond with the people who accompany you on these trips, and you are surely to make memories that will not be soon forgotten.
  5. I learned that no amount of distance can hinder a friendship unless you let it. One of my closest friends moved across the world to Australia, and I still update her on everything that happens in my life. We are just as close as we were before she left. I also have a marine friend who is stationed in California, and we have never been closer either. I have friends who simply live an hour away in Baton Rouge that I still rarely get to see, but when we finally hang out it is like no time has gone by.
  6. I learned that it is okay to do life at your own pace. I have had some setbacks in school, and I am a little behind on my track to becoming an RN. That is okay. I have friends who are married and have kids, and I don’t even have a boyfriend. That is okay. Everyone should go at their own speed in life because God has a plan for all of us, and HIS timing is perfect. I learned to stop worrying about when things will happen for me because I know that God has it all planned already. I just do my best and follow Him.

2015 was crazy difficult at times, but I choose to focus on the lessons I learned rather than the moments of sadness and frustration. I focus on how much stronger I am today than I was one year ago. I focus on the GOOD that came from 2015, and I can’t wait to begin a new year.

Bring it on, 2016!

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Be true to YOU

“Don’t let someone change who you are to become what THEY need.”

I really used to only be able to talk about this topic from ONE viewpoint, and that was ME wanting to change things about others. For example, I dated this one guy who did several things that got on my nerves, and it really bothered me. As much as I tried and tried to change the things he did, I eventually gave up and realized a valuable lesson- Not only is it extremely hard / almost impossible to change people, but really, you should never even try. They are who they are, and if they don’t fit YOUR criteria- well, someone else will. 

I’m not saying pushing the people you love to be a better person isn’t a great thing to do, I’m just saying that changing people completely is difficult and if they were the right one, you would have no need to change them.

NOW, lets take a look at this from the other side- someone trying to change ME. 

I had this friend. We will call him Bob for the purpose of keeping his identity a secret. Bob also had certain criteria that he wanted his spouse to meet, as most people do. He wasn’t a fan of partying or staying out late, he rarely drank (if at all), he was super into eating healthy, and he trusted VERY FEW people. He was always super calm, and rarely ever got worked up. Some of that sounds great right?

But what if I told you that I am very outgoing and love to go out a socialize with my friends? What if I told you that my roommates and I actually believe wine is like one of the best creations there ever was? What if I told you that I exercise, but I enjoy fast food, and that Sonic’s cheese sticks sort of, oh idk, make my life?! What if I told you that I am the furthest thing from calm and that my energy level is always through the roof? What if I told you I enjoy choosing to see the good in people, rather than the bad?

I bet you can kindddd of see where I didn’t exactly fit the bill, right?

Slowly, but surely, Bob pulled me away from the things that I loved. I thought I was becoming a “better person” by never going out and buying low calorie foods (which are still sitting in my freezer uneaten), but I was just becoming a DIFFERENT person. I no longer did the things I loved to do. I no longer had those simple joys and random moments of adventure and spontaneity. This went on for a while, and finally things tapered off and fell apart.

Why? Because I was unhappy. I changed myself to fit the criteria that someone else had set, but simultaneously gave up all of MY standards & how I wanted to live my life. This wasn’t what I wanted at all, and I knew it. I was “happy” in a sense, but I was not joyful anymore.

“Don’t try to change someone, but look for the one who needs no changing.”

Guys like Bob are great, but a life with Bob is not a life for me.

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Happiness: a choice

Webster defines happiness as “feeling pleasure and enjoyment because of your life, situation, etc”

Nowhere in this definition does Webster include the word “perfect” or “complete” or even “wonderful.” In life, you will have moments when things do not go exactly how you planned or would have liked for them to go. Take it from me, a complete control freak, when I say that I rather my life be in ORDER and going according to my “plan.” Life isn’t just a plan though, and no matter how hard we try, it is going to throw us curveballs. Life is a road with a lot of potholes, but we learn to swerve. According to the definition, all we have to experience to be “happy” is pleasure or enjoyment from our life and situation. THIS is the key. It is a choice whether we feel happy or not.

There are several ways we can decide to be happy.

1. Let things happen rather than forcing things. “The key to happiness is letting each situation be what it is instead of what you think it should be.” I love this quote because its crucial. There are going to be so many things happen that are out of your control.. instead of trying to FIX FIX FIX, just let it be. If there is anything that I have learned over my 21 years, it is that everything happens for a reason. Things get better. Bad days go away. Happiness will always prevail.

2. Realize all of the reasons you have to be happy rather than focussing on the reasons you have to be sad. You have two choices of what to focus on- the good OR the bad. That’s is.. literally two choices. It’s a complete mindset. We take the good things for granted and when something bad happens, it is all we notice. Stop the negative thinking and look at all of the good. I bet you have a family to be thankful for, good health, a home, food to eat, and friends who love you. Focus on those things.

3. L A U G H. Laugh all the time. Laugh at yourself when you do something silly. Laugh at your own jokes. Put in a funny movie and act silly with your friends. Did you know that laughter has actual health benefits? It is connected with lower blood sugar, acts as a defense against respiratory infections, improves alertness, and of highest importance (to this blog) it reduces stress hormones. It is much easier to be happy when we are less stressed.

4. Make others happy. It is almost impossible to be unhappy when making someone else happy. When we are generous and have others’ happiness at heart, we too will see a difference in our own emotional state. Go out of your way for someone. Surprise someone with an unexpected, nice text. Call your parents and tell them how much you love them. Do these things and watch how you feel afterwards.

5. Exercise your mind. This takes time and training. In order to be happy, we have to DECIDE to be. It doesn’t always feel like a choice, but it really is. When you feel those negative thoughts creeping up, stop them. When you notice that you have been thinking in a more positive way, silently reward yourself with a “Good work. Keep it up.” (Or out loud, if you’re super weird like me). Deciding to have this positive mindset is a decision that we have to make every single morning when we wake up.

6. Pray. Pray to God and ask Him for His help. Seek His power over this. We cannot always do this kind of thing on our own, and the good news is, we don’t have to.

7. Challenge yourself. You cried three times yesterday? Only cry twice tomorrow. Baby steps, people. Life SUCKS sometimes, and we aren’t going to wake up one day and never have another sorrow again. Let’s just be honest. What we CANNOT do is stay in this stagnant phase of unhappiness. As long as we are moving forward in SOME way, we are making progress.

“Happiness is a journey.. not a destination.”

“Happiness is a conscious choice.. not an automatic response.”

“Happiness does not mean that everything is perfect. It means you have decided to look beyond the imperfections.”

“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain.”

“Be your own happiness.”

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To my future husband…

Though I probably do not know you and may have not even met you, I love you. I pray for you daily and have for as long as I can remember. My mom and dad pray for you as well. I pray for your safety, your happiness, and your relationship with God. I hope that on days when you’re feeling kind of sad or days when everything is going perfect, you stop for a minute and think of me. I hope you wonder where I might be and what I’m doing. I hope you do this because this is what I do.

I may have never met you, but I know certain things about you already. I know you are funny. I know you don’t mind that I am a complete goof ball MOST of the time. I know that when I have a hissy fit you will know how to calm me down. I know that you will never be out of second chances and neither will I. I know this because I know the kind of man that God has in store for me.

I want to thank you for a few things in advance. Thank you for the MANY scary movie nights we will have because I refuse to watch any other movie genre. Thank you for understanding that I cannot cook to save my life. (unless this changes by some miraculous chance.) Thank you for consoling me when I cry…. daily. Yes, I am a bit emotional. Thank you for the jam sessions we will have in the car.. and the kitchen.. and the living room.. and everywhere. Thank you for not complaining too much when I begin listening to Christmas music in early November. Thank you for killing the bugs and opening the tightly closed jars. Thank you for listening to me complain about things in my past that hurt me, even when hearing about them may hurt you. AKA thank you for letting me vent. Thank you for the multiple selfies we will take. Most of all thank you in advance for being my best friend, first and foremost, before anything.

Now I would like to say I am sorry for things in advance. I am sorry for any arguments we will get in because no relationship is perfect. I am sorry for any nights that we go to sleep before resolving a problem. I am sorry for the times I talk to you in ways that you don’t deserve or say mean things that I don’t mean. I am sorry that I will mess up.

Finally I want to promise you a few things. I promise that I will do my best to make you the happiest I can. I promise to make sure you always know you are wanted. I promise to ALWAYS take your side no matter what. (My mommy taught me this one.) I promise to lift you up when you are down. I promise to bring fun and excitement into your life. I promise to bring spontaneity into your life as well. I promise to help you stay strong in your beliefs and in your faith. I promise we will raise Godly children and that we will be prime examples of Christ in their lives. I promise to put God first, our children second, and our marriage third. I promise that you will be my very best friend. I promise to continue to pray for you. Lastly, I promise that I cannot wait to meet you and that I think of you daily.

Until I can tell you all of this in person,


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