

& these are a few of my favorite things…

As Julie Andrews sang in The Sound of Music..

“When the dog bites
When the bee stings
When I’m feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite things
And then I don’t feel so bad”

And this is so true. Remembering all of your favorite things in life and the things that make you happy really does make a person feel better. At least for me it does. When I’m feeling down, I remember all of the small things that make me smile..

So allow me to go all Julie Andrews on you and tell you all of them.

.Kisses that give me butterflies.
.Random adventures.
.Having guy best friends.
.When my favorite store has a sale.
.The way my legs feel after i shave them.
.People who text back really fast.
.Taking a perfect picture.
.Writing in a notebook for the first time.
.When i find a song that describes my situation perfectly.
.Good morning texts.
.Dreams that i wish could be reality.
.The cold side of the pillow.
.Secret handshakes.
.Still pinky promising.
.Catching fireflies.
.Laughing until i cry.
.Talking on the phone for hours about nothing in particular.
.Funny people.
.When people give me those extra-long hugs when i need them.
.Being so happy, i actually jump up & down.
.The smell of campfire, and how it sticks to my clothes for so long.
.Cuddling up on the couch with blankets by myself & putting in a movie.
.Slow dancing to really sweet songs.
.Those moments where things go horribly wrong, and I can’t do anything but laugh because even though it sucks, it’s just too hilarious and ironic.
.That first day when i can go outside without a jacket on.
.Looking up people’s’ names on urbandictionary.
.Finally crawling into bed at home after a long vacation.
.When someone notices one of my quirks. Especially when i have never noticed it.
.When I’m with my best friend and we start laughing when we’re not supposed to, finally stop, and then one of us looks at the other, & BAM laughter.
.Hugging someone warm when I’m standing outside & the air is freezing cold.
.The fact that making him laugh feels like winning the lottery. Every single time.
.Reading old letters & birthday cards from friends.
.When movies make me cry.
.When i clap a mosquito right out of the air. Sweet success.
.People who have really distinct, awesome laughter.
.Love letters.
.When Mom buys my favorite snack at the grocery store without me even asking.
.Holding hands.
.Porch swings. & the talks that take place there.
.Going to Grandma’s.
.Being a big sister.
.Dancing until I’m about ready to fall over.
.Making bets on dumb things like which elevator is gonna come up first.
.”Not Dates”
.Making the whole class laugh.
.When I’m driving in my car alone, & i can scream-sing as loud as i want.
.When I accidentally bump into someone and it’s one of those super awkward but totally cute moments where we’re both just like “Oh! Uh. Sorry. So sorry!”
.Extreme, legit hide & seek.
.When people play with my hair.
.Living with somebody who doesn’t mind killing spiders.
.Listening to an old song I haven’t heard in ages and still remembering all the words.
.Glow sticks.
.Those moments in real life that feel like they’re straight out of a movie.
.Watching someone open my Christmas present to them.
.That one person who gets to hear all the details about my favorite things and the best days of my life when everybody else just gets an “Oh, it was good!”
.Catching a falling leaf.
.Waking up in the morning & jumping out of bed because I’m so excited for something.
.Running down hotel hallways late at night.
.The smell of magazine paper.
.Gasoline rainbows.
.Remembering what movie that guy’s from.
.Feeling loved when someone gives me their last piece of gum.
.Getting that front row parking spot at Walmart.
.Playing the laughing game. Whoever laughs first loses.
.Staying up late, reading that really good book until I can’t keep my eyes open anymore.
.Making really lame videos with friends.
.When old people strike up random conversation with me.

“Enjoy the little thing in life, for one day you will look back and realize they were the big things.”

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Hakuna Matata

There are days when I feel like I have learned very little in life, and I often feel like I don’t have my life together the way an almost 21 year old should. However, in life we have these pivotal moments of realization, and they change everything.

Have you ever been sitting there while thoughts flood your mind and take over? They rush in and out, and then out of nowhere, you realize something important and just kind of go – “oh.” These realizations can be complex, but my favorite ones are usually very simple. They are just little things that we have been told all of our lives, but only through life’s experiences can we really come to believe it for ourselves.

Allow me to share with you a few examples of my own personal realizations.

1- Don’t sweat the unimportant things, no matter how “serious” they seem at the time.

When things don’t go our way or how we planned, it sucks. Plain and simple- it really sucks. Sometimes it can really affect us in a very negative way, and it can even mess things up for us. We can’t let these moments dictate our attitudes and how we respond. Once we respond or say certain things, no amount of apologies can take back our actions. People mess up, and things go wrong. Life is not and will never be perfect. If something doesn’t go exactly how you anticipated, just relax. It probably won’t matter a year from now.

2- Love your enemies, and pray for them.

In life there will always be hateful people and people who don’t like you for absolutely no reason. We can call them our “haters” and talk badly about them all we want, but that won’t help at all. If you can find it in your heart to look past what they’re doing to you and focus on the fact that God loves them, you will feel so much better. Pray for them. It is hard not to love someone when you pray for them. As my mom tells me, “kill them with kindness.” Do not let them take your happiness from you or fill your heart with hate. Romans 12:20 says “Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.”

3- Fall in love with as many things as you can.

Fall in love with the little things. Fall in love with the wind in your hair when you drive with your windows down. Fall in love with your favorite candle and the way it smells (Mahogany Driftwood  is a personal favorite). Fall in love with singing your favorite song at the top of your lungs into a hairbrush microphone with no shame. Don’t ignore those simple things that make your heart the happiest because no amount of money and no perfect boy could ever give you that exact feeling. People say to “stop and smell the roses.” Life is about stopping in those perfect little moments and taking it all in for a little bit. Don’t worry & don’t hurry.

4- Take risks.

I don’t necessarily mean do risky or dangerous things, but do step outside of your comfort zone from time to time. “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” I fully believe this, and I have experienced it. Don’t let your fear of rejection keep you from going up to that cute boy and introducing yourself. Don’t let the fear of failure keep you from taking that class you heard was so hard but really want to take. In life you’re going to feel awkward and uncomfortable, and that’s okay. What’s not okay is being alive but not “living.” Try that food that you’re afraid you won’t like. Ride that super tall and scary-looking roller coaster. Share your thoughts and views on a matter, even when people might disagree. Stand up for that kid who gets picked on at school. Sit with the new girl, even if it’s not considered the cool thing to do. Take chances. Through some of these things, you will discover amazing things.

Those are just a few of the things I have learned for myself in my almost 21 years on this earth. It all sounds so simple, but you have to experience these things for yourself.

As Elizabeth Norris said “The pivotal moments in your life are always made up of smaller pieces, things that seemed insignificant at the time, but in fact brought you to where you needed to be.”

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-Hannah Kenimer

You might be a basic white girl if…

You might be a basic white girl if you can quote Mean Girls like its your job. 

Okay, let’s face it. We basic white girls are pros at this, and if you aren’t, then YOU CAN’T SIT WITH US.

You might be a basic white girl if you have ever purchased fake eyelashes for events that don’t really require fake lashes. 

I’m not talking weddings or dances here.. I’m talking parties, tailgates, & just outings with friends. We like to go to the extreme to look good, and we will stop at nothing. “Ohhh my gah, these old lashes? Girl they were just sitting in the bottom of my makeup bag, so I thought why not?!” But really, we were at Walgreens the day before spending $7 on them.

You might be a basic white girl if you have several name brand purses, some of which never see the world outside of your closet.

So what if I have my winter MK & my summer MK?! And so what if I have a few others that I keep in the top of my closet because I’m too lazy to switch them out. We may not NEED anymore expensive handbags, but we surely get them when they catch our eye.

You might be a basic white girl if you obsess over your “squad.”

You all have your own roles- the mom, the party animal, the baby, etc. You have a group chat as well, you NEVER go out without each other, and you have a million inside jokes and phrases. It’s pretty much a constant party wherever you go, and well, your squad is the life of it.

You might be a basic white girl if your closet consists of this wardrobe:

Nike shorts AKA Norts, T shirts in a size too big- of course, Nike shoes, socks that go up to your ankles, leggings, uggs, your Northface jacket, tons of heels, & a million different cute outfits to wear to the bars.

You totes might be a basic white girl if you talk like this:

Don’t be RIDIC! Omg you are so HILAR! Whatever, YOLO. I can’t even. Ugh, SAME! Hashtag SQUAD. That puppy is ADORBS! Literally!

You might be a basic white girl if you play throwback songs while getting ready.

You know you love a little Low by T-Pain or Get Low by Lil Jon while perfecting your eyeliner and picking out your outfit. Don’t forget to throw some Lil Wayne in there and Travis Porter’s AYY LADIESSSS.

You might be a basic white girl if you have a Pinterest board for everything.

And I mean everything. So maybe you don’t have a boyfriend yet, but that doesn’t mean you haven’t already completely planned your wedding, baby shower, and future home. Nothing will ever need to be planned again, because you have already taken care of that.

You might be a basic white girl if you can’t resist dancing to the following:

The Wobble, the Quan, Soulja Boy, the Cupid Shuffle, the Cha-Cha Slide, & the Footloose. Because of course you know them ALL!

You might be a basic white girl if you are addicted to one of these shows:

90210, Gossip Girl, Grey’s Anatomy, The Hills, Pretty Little Liars, Teen Wolf, The Vampire Diaries, or One Tree Hill. OR you are addicted to ALL of these shows.

You might be a basic white girl if you have a deep love for wine and sushi.

You probably have a CERTAIN place where you get your sushi, and you most likely call it in for pick-up. Nothing can compare to your wine nights with your girls, especially since they love it just as much as you do.

You might be a basic white girl if you obsess over one of the Kardashians/Jenners or Beyonce. Probably both.

Does this even need an explanation?! You love them, you follow them on insta, and you keep up with them on TV. Why?! Because they’re fabulous.

You might be a basic white girl if your friends constantly ask you to go get mani/pedis or fro-yo.

You can never get your nails and toes done enough, and you can never eat enough frozen yogurt. NEVER.

You might be a basic white girl if you wear makeup to the gym and to the pool.

I hate when people don’t understand this. Like, we may end up looking like crap after these activities, but why would be want to also look like crap before?! No thank you!

You might be a basic white girl if you feel “edgy” when you get your nails painted black or when you wear a leather jacket.

You probably also think to yourself about what a bad bitch you are and how no one should mess with you. Then, a few days later, you are in your pink bath robe and bunny slippers. It’s all about how we are feeling that day.

You might be a basic white girl if you have HIGH WAISTED EVERYTHING.

Shorts, jeans, skirts. ALL OF IT. Oh, and you put crop tops with it cause duh.

You might be a basic white girl if you take TONS of selfies.

You have to take a lot of selfies to get the perfect one for the “gram” as you call Instagram. Half of your camera roll is selfies. You’re also serious about your instagram, so only the cutest pictures can be posted.

You might be a basic white girl if you own extensions.

Your hair is probably already long, but why not buy expensive hair to clip in and make yours look even better?! You also have the holding case for it in pink which was an extra $25.

You might be a basic white girl if you wear a Michael Kors or Marc Jacobs watch.

You don’t use them to tell time though. You have the newest iPhone for that.

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-Hannah Kenimer

An ode to my roomies

They say you meet your best friends in college, and I couldn’t ask for ones better than mine! Here are 5 things I want to thank y’all for.

1. Thank you for always having my back & taking my side.

So maybe you have never met that girl who completely backstabbed me or that guy who stood me up, but you hate them as much as I do, if not more. Thank you for all of the times you wanted to know if I needed you to tell someone off for me or beat someone up. I feel the love, believe me.

2. Thank you for always acting completely insane with me.

Dancing in the living room to crazy songs, listening to me make dolphin noises, and snap chatting it all are just a few things that happen on the reg. Thanks for not judging me when I feed my cat spaghetti o’s and for getting equally excited about buying Halloween candy from Walgreens in early September.

3. Thank you for sharing common interests with me. 

We love the same songs, binge watch 90210, obsess over wine, and say all of the same phrases. We also share common values, and we agree on almost everything. Not to mention the fact that we share wardrobes .. including shoes.

4. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on & my counselor.

I can’t count the numerous pep talks you’ve given me or the amount of times you have said “come eat with us” just because you could tell I was upset. You are by my side when I laugh AND when I cry. Im emotional, but you know how to make me feel 100% better.

5. Thank you for including me in your life.

Whether I’m third-wheeling on your date to Bon Temps Grill or visiting your family in Broussard, you always know just how to include me in your life. We are more like sisters than friends, and for that I could not be more thankful.

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-Hannah Kenimer

How girls get ready to go out

So you know how when guys get ready to go out all they really do is shower, throw on some clothes, brush their teeth, and spray some Polo Black cologne on?! They’re literally ready in like twenty minutes tops and waiting on the girls. They wait and wait and wait and wonder what could possibly be taking us so long! Well, since I am an almost 21-year-old girl with two roommates and about 5 other girls who basically live with us, I feel that I can answer that question. When we feel that it is time to get ready, this is how things typically go down in our apartment.

STEP ONE: Music.

Because you OBVI have to have a bomb playlist playing in the background while you get ready. I don’t think guys understand how important this is to us in our getting ready process.

*Plugs iPhone into iHome, puts on some “hype music” thats easy to dance to so we can all get in the mood to go out.* We all start singing along and kind of walking around the apartment dancing a little bit for basically no reason.

“Hannahhhh play Hit The Quan!”

“OMG yesssss! Okay!”

“Look I can kinda do it!”

“OMG you totally can!”

*Song ends and a country song comes on because it was on my playlist*

“Hannah! Why are you playing depressing music?!”

“My bad, it just came on lemme change it!”

“Okay OMG play some BOOOOSIEEEEE!”

STEP TWO: Planning the outfits.

Okay so this is like a team effort thing. You do NOT just pick an outfit without consulting with your girls first about what they’re wearing.  Normally someone asks a question like “Are we doing casual cute or dressy cute?!” Once we come to an agreement, we try to dress accordingly to each others outfits. We sometimes even go shopping earlier that day for some new options.

STEP THREE: Picking out the outfits.

This step mainly consists of raiding each others closets and conversations like these:

“Emily omg can I pleaseeee wear that black romper of yours?!”

“Yeah girl and bring me those strappy heels you bought the other day!”

“Okay! And Abby wants to know if she can use your new eyeshaddow!”

& conversations like this:

“Waitttt, no put back on that other shirt cause its black and we are kinda doing the whole black thing tonight.”

“Ugh I hate that shirt.. you know how it fits me all weird remember?!”

“Ohhhh yeah, okay well here lemme go see if Madi has one like it!”

Then we all stand in front of the mirror and see if we look good. Usually we strike poses and dance while we are at it. Then we look at the time and remember we kind of need to hurry.

STEP FOUR: Doing our makeup & hair.

“Yall! Hair up or down tonight?!”

“Ummmm I think Emily is wearing hers down, but Madi’s is up!”

“UGH! That does not help!”

*Fixes hair*

“Okay hows this?!”

“Oh thats cute I like it!”

“I think Im gonna do a smokey eye tonight! Too much?!”

“Girl, no you totally rock it and plus whats his face is gonna be there and you know you gotta be looking hot.”

“You are SO right! Okay do your eyeshadow kinda dark with me too then pleaseeee?”

“Ugh fine!”

STEP FIVE: Pictures!

We HAVE to get good pictures together before we all go out. Yes we will take pics while we are out, but thats different, and we simply need both.

“Here ill take it of y’all, and then we can switch!”

“Okay now lets put the phone on timer and just set it up here on the counter!”

“Wait do a serious face cause we are HOT!”

“OMG THIS ONES SOO CUTE SEND ME IT NOW! No seriously send it right now. Did you send it? I haven’t gotten it yet so try sending it again.”

“UGH OMG EW NO DELETE IT! Well fine then just crop me out!”

“Okay do we all like this one?! YAY! Okay I guess we can leave now!”

STEP SIX: Actually leaving.. or trying to leave.


“Crap I forgot to spray my hair, hold on!”

“Hey tell Abby we’re coming, Hannah left her ID upstairs!”

“Tell them if they don’t hurry I’m leaving!”

“Do we have everyone?!”


And that is pretty much how it goes down in our apartment every Friday & Saturday night that we decide to go out together!

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-Hannah Kenimer

My ACTUAL pet peeves

Someone once asked me to tell them my pet peeves.
I told that person my typical main stream pet peeves because I didn’t want to elaborate on the things that actually really get to me. I think some of the examples I gave were feet touching me, people walking super slow in front of me, & me having to repeat myself. Now don’t get me wrong.. those things can really fire me up inside, but there are other things that are worse. 

Pet peeve número UNO- 

I hate liars. I hate when someone beats around the bush or sugar coats something because they are trying not to hurt my feelings or upset me. That’s a lie. Any time you are not straight up with me about something, you are lying to me. Any time you keep something of importance from me, you are lying to me. When something happens that directly affects me, TELL ME. I think people assume that I will crumble beneath the words they will present me with, but the truth is I can handle it. I promise you telling me straight up won’t hurt me as much as when I find out you kept it from me. Tell me how you feel about things, etc. My bunny ran away? Tell me. You met a new girl, and I’m getting the boot? Tell me. Chances are- I’ll be jusssst fine. 

Pet peeve DOS-

I hate overly needy people. Yes I have times where I come across as needy.. For example, I like people’s full attention when I’m telling them something. But the type of needy I’m talking about is different. If I’m busy and I haven’t texted you back in a few hours, I promise I don’t hate you. I’m not teaming up with evil villains and plotting to destroy you. I’m probably just at the local Walmart picking up some Roman noodles, trying to decide between the chicken flavor and the steak. I’m ADHD. I’m not constantly in tune with every conversation or constantly replying on time- or even at all. Deal with it. You need me? Call me. Be sure about our relationship or exit. Maybe that’s harsh, but it’s also honest. I’m not great at consoling people either. I promise it hurts me to see people close to me cry, but I can’t promise you I’ll have some magic words to say. I rarely even hug people. I will, however, be there to listen to you vent. Don’t expect so much out of me. 

Pet peeve TRES- 

I hate insensitive people. This may sound contradictory to the previous pet peeve, but allow me to explain. You don’t have to be great at consoling me, you don’t have to hug me, but for the love of all that is holy- don’t be MEAN. Don’t make fun of things people can’t control. Don’t yell at me. Don’t give me mean looks. Don’t ignore me. Don’t say anything plain rude to me. It’s really fairly simple. If you want to see me shut down, yell at me. I promise I won’t speak to you for the rest of the day. If you want to experience me mad as hell, make fun of someone and what they can’t help. Don’t tell me to toughen up or get over it when I’m upset about something. I’ll never come to you again to vent. 

Pet peeve QUATRO- 

I hate COCKY people. Now- first things first. There is a HUGE difference in confidence & cockiness. You people need to learn the difference. You may be good at what you do, you may look good, and you may be blessed with intelligence. But guess what- YOU ARENT THE ONLY ONE. You need to take a step back and realize that not everyone worships the ground you walk on. There is nothing I love more than watching someone’s big bead and ego deflate. Confidence is attractive- EXAMPLE: “I look hot in my new dress!” Cockiness is not attractive- EXAMPLE: “Look at me, then look at her. I obviously look so much better.” You know the difference in a fact and opinion, right? That is just your opinion, and somewhere is someone who will disagree with you. Probably on account of your attitude. 

So to the person who once asked me my pet peeves- thanks for inspiring me to write my blog number three! 

Stay posted yall! 

Mwuahhh! HPK. 

Asher’s Story

Asher’s story 
I have a lot of friends who know my little brother Asher, but they don’t know his full story. I hope this sheds a little insight on who he is & why he is so special to us.

Almost 7 years ago, I stood at the kitchen sink washing the dishes as I often did as a chore. This time was different though. I was praying & praying. I was praying harder than I ever had before, and it was because my mom had a doctors appointment. This was the appointment when the doctor would check on the baby. I was 14 years old, and prior to this pregnancy, my mom had two miscarriages. She knew one more baby would complete our family, and we did too. She said it was the appointment where we would know if the baby was going to be okay. I even had it circled on a calendar in my room. She called me right after her appointment to tell me that everything was fine, and I was ecstatic. I think we all felt a huge relief. 

My mom announced the news to everyone that she was expecting the baby that we were so badly longing for. My sister, who was 8 at the time, couldn’t wait either. When the doctors told us it was a baby BOY, we were filled with glee. Especially my dad who until then had been living in a house with three women! (Poor guy) The shopping began, the name was picked, & we were patiently awaiting the arrival of Asher McCall Kenimer- the most prayed for baby! 

Finally the day arrived! We were all at the hospital waiting and waiting. I remember every little detail like it was yesterday. When we finally heard that little cry coming from the delivery room, we all jumped to our feet in excitement! They brought him in the little room to weigh him, get his prints, and measure him. My dad, sister, and I were the first to go into the room to meet him. He was beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. I remember thinking he looked a little different, but beautiful. It was one of the happiest moment of my life. (Yes, Belle, you being born was one as well!) 

Then our world was shaken. 

Just like that. From super happy and overjoyed to crushed in a matter of minutes. My dad brought my sister and I home and told us that the doctor had talked to him. The doctor told him that Asher had Down syndrome. I cried. I remember saying “why?!” over and over and over. (This is the part where I would cry if I were telling you this in person.) I didn’t understand it and I wanted an explanation. I asked my dad why probably 15 times, and each time he just looked at me and said “I don’t know.” It was and still is one of the only times when my dad didn’t have the answer for me. I remember staring out of the car window on the way back to the hospital and noticing my face had never been so puffy and red before. I must have cried harder than I ever had. What was God doing?! I had prayed SO HARD for my little brother! We all did! Why would God do this to us?! That is what was going through my mind at the time. 

I will now tell you why.

God was BLESSING us. He CHOSE us to be Asher’s family because only He could see the future and the WONDERFUL & amazing impact Asher would have on our lives. I didn’t know it then, and it was a difficult time for all of us. We couldn’t see the big picture. We didn’t understand WHY. Now 7 years later, I can’t imagine life any other way. I can’t believe we got so lucky. I wish I could go back in time and tell myself at 14 that it was all going to be more than okay. Instead, I got to experience completely leaning on God, and I am grateful for that. 

When Asher was first born I didn’t think he would be able to communicate with me very well.

-He now tells me all about his day, asks about my friends, Facetimes me on his own, and has conversations with me.

When Asher was first born we were told so many negative things that ended up not being true. We were told he wouldn’t be ticklish, for example.

-He is one of THE most ticklish people I know.

When Asher was first born we were told that he wouldn’t really look like us because he would just have the prominent features of someone with Down syndrome.

-He has our dimples, blonde hair that we all had when we were little, and our personality.

I could go on & on, but you get the picture. 

Yes, Asher is different, but not only because of his diagnosis. He is different because of how he loves. He loves everyone for who they are. He doesn’t judge people. He welcomes everyone who walks through the door in a way I can’t even explain! One day with him can turn my mood from horrible to great when nothing else can. He was created by God and given to us as a gift because for whatever reason, God felt we were a good fit for him. I feel so blessed for that reason. 

I wanted to share with you all Asher’s story because not everyone has gone through it. I hope maybe somehow or some way this will reach someone who needs to read it. Whether that be a new mom expecting a baby with Down syndrome, or just someone who is going through something difficult and needs to know they can lean on God completely. 

Thank yall for reading!

-Hannah Kenimer 


You know you’re a student at ULL when

You know you’re a student at ULL when:

1. You wear red to class on your first Friday only to realize no one actually does that. Oops.

2. You turn on the radio only to hear about all of the car accidents going on because there are always several a day. Once those are finally over, it’s back to 107.9!

3. If you need to be somewhere at a certain time, you know you better leave early to account for the traffic. Laffy’s 5:00 traffic is no joke.

4. Your friends from out of town are pleasantly surprised by how many people are actually at Cowboys on a Thursday night.

5. Which brings me to my next point- Every day of the week has a certain bar that people go to. Figuring out which bar goes with which night is golden.

6. You have called uber more times than you would like to admit. But hey, it definitely beats walking all the way home from Jefferson Street!

7. You have an urban spoon app that shows you all of the restaurants because there are clearly too many to memorize.

8. Everyone says “sha”, and if you aren’t from there, you aren’t surprised when you too start saying it.

9. You say “AIYEEEE” at every football game no matter how silly you feel.

10. You have probably embarrassed yourself at least once on the catwalk at the keg. If you haven’t, you have witnessed someone else embarrass themselves.

11. You dread the question “so what’s yalls mascot?” but still say “a cayenne pepper” with pride.

12. You follow all of the bars on Twitter and get in free sometimes by retweeting their tweets.

13. Ladies nights / “girls get in free before 11”

14. You’ve told people you go to “UL” only to hear them ask “ULM?” No, not ULM. Or if they’re a bit older, “oh southwestern!”

15. You have more than likely had your vehicle towed from one of the apartments for not parking in a visitor parking spot. You may have even called the MULTIPLE towing companies in Laffy to find out which one took your car.

16. Especially on game days.

17. You know it’s no coincidence that the UL hand sign we throw up is the same as “I love you” in sign language.

18. If you’re a girl & She’s country by Jason Aldean comes on, you shout “SHES A RAGIN CAJUN” as loudly as possible.

19. “Wayne Toups is playing tonight!” …  “OMG yay! Cocaine Wayne!”

20.You love your school & town.


-Hannah Kenimer


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